Unlock Your Inner Lion.

At Leo Rising, we live by one mantra: "Show up. Step up. Level up."
In a world filled with challenges, we're here to help you rise with boldness, confidence, and unwavering determination.
The ups and downs of life may test your spirit, but our mission is to ignite your inner fire

The Leo Rising Approach

Leo Rising's approach extends an invitation to discover a central convergence—a space reminiscent of Ikigai—where your passions, profession, vocation, and mission seamlessly unite. Instead of fixating on achievement in only one or two dimensions, our approach encourages you to thrive in the intricate interplay of all five. This convergence isn't just where 2+2 equals 4; it represents 5—a harmonious entirety that surpasses the sum of its parts. As you venture forth on your own path, you're invited to explore the potential of your Personal, Physical, Professional, and Psychological dimensions. Step by step, you'll journey toward that middle ground where the circles overlap, where synergy and the essence of Ikigai harmonize, transforming your capacity to thrive. The Leo Rising approach weaves the profound insights of synergy and the philosophy of Ikigai into a tapestry that guides you toward your highest performance and deepest fulfillment. It's a route that illuminates the extraordinary potential emerging from embracing the power of all five dimensions, propelling you to a place where passion, profession, vocation, mission and performance converge in harmonious synchrony.

Where Performance and Ikigai Converge

The 5 P's – Physical, Professional, Psychological, Personal, and Performance – serve as interconnected circles, each representing a distinct dimension of your life. Building upon this interconnectedness, the Leo Rising approach to performance enhancement is deeply rooted in the principle that combines the essence of synergy and the wisdom of Ikigai. This Japanese concept symbolizes the intersection of passion, profession, vocation, and mission, beautifully resonating with our belief in the powerful overlap of these circles. It propels you toward peak performance and profound fulfillment, aligning perfectly with the Ikigai philosophy.

Individually Powerful, Collectively Transformative

Imagine each circle as a shaded area of significance within your life. Your Personal, Physical, Professional, and Psychological dimensions hold immense substance on their own. These spheres encompass your passions, your health, your career, and your mindset. However, the true magic lies within their intersections.

The Dance of Overlapping Circles

As two circles overlap, something profound happens – the shared area deepens in hue. This richer shading symbolizes depth, intensity, and richness. Picture the intersection of the Physical and Professional spheres – as you strive for physical well-being while excelling in your career, your journey gains newfound depth and vibrancy. Now, introduce another dimension – the Psychological sphere. As it interweaves with the Personal sphere, the shading grows even more intense. Your inner strength and emotional well-being blend harmoniously with your passions and values, crafting a tapestry of resilience and deep satisfaction.

Convergence into Optimal Performance

With each added circle, the convergence grows more profound. Three circles bring an even more exquisite blend of purpose, vitality, and expertise. At the heart of it all, where all four circles meet, lies the ultimate sweet spot – the realm of optimal performance and holistic well-being, a space that echoes the concept of Ikigai. While pursuing excellence in any one dimension is remarkable, it's within this central overlap that you uncover the true synergy of the 5 P's, creating a canvas of harmony that magnifies your potential.

Get Your Free Copy!

Now, you have the power to customize your journey with Leo Rising

Explore "Via Optionality": Immerse yourself in the transformative 12-week program" This comprehensive journey integrates physical training to unlock your physical potential and mental disciplines such as Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP), sport psychology, mindfulness, meditation, and Jungian Archetypes to ignite your inner strength. Customize your experience, transforming your life at your pace. Discover the perfect blend of physical and mental empowerment.
Unlock the ultimate transformation package: Supercharge your journey by combining 12 weekly coaching sessions with the "Via Optionality" course. Achieve your goals with the perfect blend of knowledge and guidance.
Alternatively, book a coaching session: If you prefer a more personalized approach without the course, book a coaching session with our experienced coaches. Tailored guidance and support await you in your journey towards success.
Ready to take the first step toward unlocking your inner lion? Schedule a free consultation to learn more about how Leo Rising methodology can help you achieve your goals.
Leo Rising isn't just a coaching methodology; it's a way of life, a mindset rooted in passion, purpose, and inner strength. It's about setting goals, recognizing the essential elements for success in fitness and every aspect of life. Join us on this transformative journey, where we'll help you awaken your inner lion and embark on a path of empowerment, growth, and unshakable confidence. Your journey towards a thriving life begins here, with Leo Rising.
"Show up. Step up. Level up." It's not just a slogan; it's a commitment to your transformation and success.


Performance Coaching

As a foundational coaching service, performance coaching helps individuals enhance their overall performance, set and achieve personal and professional goals, and develop the skills and mindset for success.

Mindfulness and Stress Mastery Coaching

In alignment with the core principles of Leo Rising, our mindfulness and stress mastery coaching empowers individuals to conquer stress, boost self-awareness, and fortify their mental resilience. This coaching service equips you with practical techniques to effectively manage stress and cultivate a mindful, resilient mindset, fostering inner strength and well-being.

Health and Wellness Coaching

Incorporating physical fitness and well-being is a key aspect of Leo Rising. Health and wellness coaching can guide individuals in achieving their fitness goals, maintaining a healthy lifestyle, and optimizing their physical well-being.

Personal Development Workshops

Hosting workshops on various personal development topics aligns with the program's goal of personal growth and empowerment. Topics can include goal setting, self-confidence, and self-discovery.

Career Coaching

Career coaching can help individuals align their personal and professional goals, improve their career satisfaction, and make meaningful progress in their chosen field.

Leadership and Executive Coaching

For those looking to excel in leadership roles or entrepreneurial endeavors, leadership and executive coaching can provide valuable insights and skills for effective leadership, decision-making, and business success

Listen to Testimonials from Our Clients

Real Stories, Real Results
Still not sure if the Via Optionality course is right for you? Listen to what past clients have to say about their transformative experiences with Adrian and Tom
"As someone new to investing it can be pretty overwhelming knowing where to start (which is one of the reasons I put it off for so long), especially since I don't have 1000s of hours to commit to studying, researching, and understanding the markets. Adrian has been fantastic in helping to advise and guide me on making decisions, clearly explaining, and simplifying complex ideas and pointing me in a direction that makes sense while building towards my long-term goals. Not only that, but he is also one of the most genuine people I've met and I could tell right off the bat his primary motives and intentions were to further my best interests. Because of that I highly recommend him not only as someone who knows what they are talking about, but also as someone who is extremely people-oriented and genuinely cares and is invested in those he helps."
Byron Morrison
Author of “CEO in Control” and “The Effective CEO” – Stratford Upon Avon, UK
"Adrian always provides insightful analysis to our meetings and continues to contribute daily to our group, which helps all of us improve. Adrian is a huge believer in optionality which has caused the rest of the group to honestly review our own stance on the markets and shift accordingly. Adrian has a way of explaining his view and potential strategies clearly and concisely to the team, which allows the discussions of the meetings to go to a deeper level of thinking/discussion. Adrian shares what he’s currently doing in the market and asks those in the group if what he’s doing makes sense. If yes or no, why? He shares his trading thought process with the group, and we all continue to grow from his insightful contributions. Adrian takes an unbiased, and honest approach to the markets which is one of his biggest assets. He is also a wonderful mentor and very knowledgeable in numerous areas."
Geoff Barden
Portfolio Manager – Indiana, USA
"Having lived in 4 different countries and being a gym fanatic, I have been exposed to different personal coaches and training disciplines over many years. So, when I say I am highly impressed with Adrian's original training approach, I do this based on a vast experience. He combines so much knowledge into one session, from toning to nutritional advice, from increased cardio to NLP. He works on the body AND the mind; he is like a walking (or rather jumping) health encyclopedia. I used to attend traditional gym clubs, but since Adrian introduced me to kettlebells, my body has really been transformed. I get compliments all the time about my toned arms and flat stomach. My core is so much stronger, my energy level rocket high and my skin is glowing. I highly recommend him; you will be amazed by the before and after!!"
Barbara Kasasa
Designer – Cape Town, South Africa
"Adrian, I want to express my gratitude for your input and guidance regarding my investing strategy and portfolio development. Your expertise and knowledge in the world of investing are invaluable, and you have a unique talent for explaining concepts, principles, and strategies in a very simplistic manner, making it easy for those who aren't in the investing profession to understand. Your passion for the field was evident during our consultations, and it ignited my enthusiasm to explore various other investment opportunities."
Ilan Licker
Chartered Accountant – Manchester, UK
"Adrian brings such an interesting mix of qualities and knowledge to the table - from financial to Brazilian Jiu-jitsu to being a walking talking quote machine of every self-help or leadership development book. Our conversations were always stimulating and expanding, and he was also always open to another perspective and learning himself."
Pavi Prakash, Director
London, UK
"I've known Tom in a professional capacity for the past almost five years. Tom really stands out from the others in his industry: he has always taken the time to listen, get to know me, and has always offered suggestions which are relevant to my circumstances and where I would like to go in my professional life. Tom is down to earth, genuine, easy to talk to and understanding. I would recommend him and have recommended him before. His integrity shines. Thank you, Tom - it's always a pleasure to catch up with you."
Claire Hyde
"Tom always ensures that people he speaks to have a clear understanding of the role and will give an honest opinion as to whether he believes it is right for them. As such, Tom helps people with their life choices and not just recommending a position, which is of huge benefit as it takes into consideration what someone wants from their role. Tom is never frugal with time spent helping people and is happy to discuss wider concerns (whether job-related or personal) with people who are looking for something new. He clearly understands well the needs of people and has high emotional intelligence in dealing with them. Along with his exceptional degree of integrity and honesty, his advice and experience are invaluable for people regardless of their current position or point in life."
Scott Laken

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